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🔎 Insurance Lead Management Software: Improving Efficiency in the Travel Insurance Industry

Case study looking at how improved the sales process for a travel insurance mediator

Last update on August 21

Company Name:Estas Por Vjajar
Sector:Insurance Mediator
Number of Staff:20 Edition:Expert

Interview with Leandro Abbiedati, co-founder of Estás Por Viajar, by Mariana Lacerda, Customer Success Officer at You Don’t Need a CRM!

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This month, I'm happy to share an interview with a dear Argentinian customer I had the chance to meet during our trip to Buenos Aires last March about how noCRm acts as insurance lead management software for Estás Por Viajar, a travel insurance mediator that has been using our lead management software for over two years.

Mariana ( Could you tell us a little bit more about your company and what it sells?

Leandro: Estás Por Viajar is a travel insurance mediator, meaning we sell travel insurances from different companies to travellers, mainly to Latin Americans who are travelling abroad.

Mariana: How many people are there in the company, and how many of them are salespeople?

Leandro: In the sales team, we have 12 people working full-time, and six freelancers. Between salespeople and management, over 20 people are using

Mariana: About your sales process: How do you capture and manage your leads?

Leandro: Well, our strategy to capture leads is based solely on online Marketing: SEO and Adwords, but also e-mail Marketing campaigns.

Before using, we didn’t do direct sales; there wasn’t any human contact with leads. Now, I’ve created some integrations using that enable us to enter leads in the system automatically.

If someone shows an interest in our service, from MailChimp, for example, we have an automatic e-mail sent out. If a lead answers to that e-mail, then a new lead is automatically generated in, and our salespeople can start managing them as such in a pipeline that we have set up according to our needs.

If a lead answers to that e-mail, then a new lead is automatically generated in

We weren’t able to do this at all before implementing your system. It was a complete mess. We worked in Excel, had many formulas created, but it required a lot of manual work. It wasn’t sustainable, and we had no visibility or statistics.

Mariana: That’s very interesting, thank you. As a Manager, statistics and visibility must be very important to you.

Leandro: Absolutely. The statistics are actually the feature I like and use most in your service. Your statistics show me precisely the four logical steps of a sales department: Present, Past, Future and also present based on the sales and marketing strategies we have implemented. Believe me; this is not easy to find!

Mariana: What about your salespeople? What do you believe is most essential for them too?

Leandro: Definitely the reminders. With, it's impossible they forget the next action with a lead. Once they are done doing what they had to do, they set a reminder for the next action.

It’s in their Google Calendar (we use G Suite), so it’s perfect because the connection between your system and G Suite is very smooth.

Mariana: You chose the Sales Essentials edition of the software. What were your reasons?

Leandro: Well, we are 20 people using the system, and our salespeople are divided into teams. It was imperative for us to be able to reproduce that in the system, but also the multiple pipelines and estimated closing dates with sales forecast are extremely important in our business.

Mariana: Since you started using our software, have you noticed a big difference in your sales?

Leandro: Well, on the “bad side” of sales, I now know every day how many leads we lose. We weren’t able to see that before your system, and this is very important data since it enables us to know where we failed and what can be improved. Without this information, it wouldn’t be possible for us to analyse and improve our sales. The fact that I know how many leads came in, how many I won, how many I lost. It’s all very clear, and that’s fantastic!

The fact that I know how many leads came in, how many I won, how many I lost. It’s all very clear, and that’s fantastic!

Mariana: Do you notice a clear impact on your sales performance?

Leandro: Absolutely. Statistics are good for me as a manager, but they are also helpful for salespeople. They are a lot more confident since we implemented the system because they have access to their statistics, so they know how they are performing. The truth is there; it’s not other team managers telling them how they did or me, it’s the system. And there’s no doubt that the system has impacted their performance and enabled them to be more efficient.

Mariana: Well, I’m thrilled to hear that you now have a more organized and performing sales team. Now, regarding integrations and customization of the system: You mentioned earlier. Other than MailChimp, do you integrate with other tools?

Leandro: We’ve integrated your system with our Back Office but also with Google Sheets, all through, which is a powerful service! We use these integrations to create leads in the system, but also to follow-up on them.

Mariana: What could help you even more? Anything you wish the system had?

Leandro: Admin features on the Mobile App! But you did mention they would be implemented at some point. I can’t wait for that!

Also, the posts-sales process as we use it a lot. It could be great if it were possible to do bulk actions with those. Last but not least, the possibility of generating prospects directly in the prospecting lists, without having to create leads straight away and being able to set an amount, probability and estimated closing date in unassigned leads.

Mariana: Duly noted! I will do my best to have your needs met.

Thank you for your time, Leandro. I look forward to speaking with you again soon.

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Travel insurance 10-20 reps Efficiency
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