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noCRM sales resources and webinars

Last update on December 6

Onboarding webinars

For admins: getting started with noCRM

In this webinar, we explain all about how to get started with noCRM as an administrator: how to set up an account, how to create leads and manage, how to analyze performance…

For non-admin users: introduction to noCRM

This webinar is dedicated to using noCRM as a non-admin user and learning how to use the tool on a daily basis for your sales, creating new leads and prospects and managing them efficiently, as well as some tips and tricks to get the most out of noCRM.

Sales webinars

16 noCRM hidden features that will boost your sales

16 powerful noCRM features that can help build the perfect, tailored sales tool for sales teams, and boost their sales process.

Unlock the full potential of your sales team with activity-based selling

Learn how to set achievable and efficient sales goals that sales teams will smash with this action-based selling approach.

Mastering your qualification process to close more deals

In this masterclass, discover what is the qualification process, why is it important, and how to improve it to close more deals. noCRM’s team shares some tips and explains how to use noCRM to use better results.

Masterclass: Strategies for Sales Goals and Team Performance

This masterclass explains how to set tailored sales goals to the business needs, create them on noCRM and efficiently track them to continuously improve performance.

Sales articles

Additional resources

The sales academy

All the resources and guides to organize sales activity and be more efficient: from cold prospecting, to following-up and managing existing customers.
Click here 👈

The no-code academy

Resources to get started with no-code: what is it and how to use it to boost sales.
Click here 👈

The blog of

Find further sales resources and articles in noCRM’s blog.
Click here 👈

Sales & cold calling free script generator

Create free sales scripts from scratch or using templates, share them with your team and start optimizing cold calls and efficiency.
Click here 👈

Start your free trial

15-day free trial - No contract - No credit card required