Intro: Lots can be done with tags to improve your sales process management, and in this article we will talk about the importance of tags in the upsell process and how they improve sales performance.
#Improve Sales Performance with ThePowerofTags #Episode4
Last month we’ve posted several different ways about how the usage of tags can improve sales management. We showed you how using tags can make your sales meeting more efficient, how you can build a competition analysis program inside your lead management software just by using simple hashtags, as well as how you can better understand where your customers come from thanks to great statistical insights.
But a lot more can be done with tags, and in this article we will talk about the importance of tags in the upsell process and how they improve sales performance.
When you sell different products to the same customer, you need to create a lead for each product and if you tag each lead with the name of the product you’re trying to sell, you’ll easily be able to know what product you’ve sold to what customers and if there’s still room for new sales.
In fact, inside our lead management software you can create Client Folders, in which you find all the leads related to the same customer. Thanks to tags, you’ll be able to rapidly know what products have already been sold, are in the process of being sold or what products your customer wasn’t interested in.

Moreover, tagging your leads will enable you to obtain a clear overview of what you have in the pipeline, which is very important when you’re upselling as it is not treated with the same amount of work like a new, incoming lead. Thus, by simply adding a tag to the lead, it enables you to quickly filter all the potential deals, making it easier not to forget that there is still some work to do.
Not only will this help you gain great insights but you can better understand how well your upselling process is working by filtering this very tag in the statistic part to see how many leads you have managed to successfully upsell and where it might be worth to reconsider the strategy.
There is a lot more that can be done with the usage of tags and we highly encourage you to explore the power of tags yourself, and see how using tags in different, unconditional ways can really impact your business and help you streamline processes.
If you want to share your tag story and how they helped improve sales performance with us or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time – we will be happy to help.