How to Manage Your Upsells, Renewals And Client Follow-Ups

Keeping track of your to do’s and knowing when to get back to a client is essential in any sort of business to have a clear and working sales process, and it improves your upsells’ management.

Manage your upsells

For prospects it’s easy as you have a lead and you can change its status to standby until the next action, but what to do when a prospect is won? What to do if you need to renew its subscription in one year, what to do if you want to try to sell him something new in three months, what to do if you just want to manage basic project tasks now that your converter a lead into a client?

In you have two ways to manage this:

1) Create a client folder and add a new lead in this folder.
2) Create post sales tasks.

Choosing between these two options is very easy: if you want to sell something, choose option one (client folder + new lead); if it’s only about project management and a list of tasks to accomplish, use thepost sales tasks. Here are detailed explanations on how to use both systems.

1)   Client Folders + new lead for upsells and renewals

A client folder is necessary if you have more than one lead for the same client, meaning that if you’re selling software for instance, and your client has just purchased his annual subscription plan, in theory the lead is won. So you change the status to won. But what happens if you need to reengage with the same client in about 1 year’s time when his subscription will terminate and you want him to renew his contract? You don’t want to change the status back to standby as this particular lead has already been won and you don’t want to lose track of how many leads you have successfully won. So instead of changing the status, you can easily create a client folder for this exact scenario inside your lead management software.

By simply duplicating the lead (you can find the duplicate button in the “actions” dropdown menu next to your Lead) the system will ask you to create a client folder in which you will have both, the old won lead as well as the duplicated new lead. You can then change the status of the new lead to standby and set a specific time and date in the future for when you have to follow up on the lead again in order to make sure he renews his subscription. Once the time comes, and the lead needs to be reengaged again, it will show up in your daily to-do’s and you can start working on it again.

Manage your upsells

This is a great way of staying in the loop on your future tasks and have all the important information saved in one place so you can keep a clear overview of all your clients and the associated tasks in the future.

Read more about client folders and how they work here.

2)   Post Sales Tasks system for operational tasks

Not long ago, we introduced the follow up system inside to help our customers stay on top of their tasks while enabling them to easily follow-up on their leads. The follow-up system can be used in many ways, for post sales tracking such as checking if invoices have been paid or if samples you sent out arrived on time; it can also be used for more project management related tasks such as, in the case of a travel agency, ensuring the entire holiday organisation goes smoothly.

As there often are a lot of things that need to be taken care of even after the lead was won, it is important to have all these tasks displayed in your lead management tool.

Different to the client folder, the follow-up system allows you to create specific multiple tasks, and set a date and a time for the action to be completed. Sometimes you undergo the same post-sales process with various clients, so creating a template with predefined tasks, will save you a lot of time in your day to day work.

Manage your upsells

The system can be adapted to your company’s after-sales process and can be used for any kind of follow up you might need to check in with your clients and make sure they are happy with the service you offer or the product you’re selling.

Read more about the post sales process here.

In conclusion, those very strong and powerful features inside noCRM vary in their purpose of usage but both are important in any business.

The client folder is useful in the long run, planning ahead and having all the customer information stored in the same place, easily accessible from wherever you are, whereas the follow up system allows you to create any after sales, upsell or project management related follow up tasks, so you can rest assured no task is forgotten and no client is left out.

Want to see for yourself how these two features can help you boost your businessCreate a free trial account now.