Your existing lead management software is probably slowing your team down. Here’s how using noCRM can optimize your sales process management by making lead creation easy – so your team can spend more time converting, get more sales leads, and less time on tedious admin!
See which lead creation method suits your working style…
Scan business cards with the mobile app
Create leads on the go. You might often find your wallet brimming with business cards – especially after certain events. Great, you’ve made some promising contacts, but it usually means there’s a tedious task ahead of you. This could involve you (or an unsuspecting intern) spending a large chunk of the day uploading these leads into your system. It usually causes you to miss out vital information along the way, such as adding a specific follow-up task or creating a useful note about the interaction.
Our aim is to make creating leads as simple as possible; with our app you can quickly scan business cards, and they immediately turn into leads. It’s that simple. The great thing about this is the ability to manage a newly created lead. You can add notes and tasks while it’s still fresh in your memory, and it also creates a task in your name, so you really can’t miss it.

The app is really simple to use, you just need to create a new lead by tapping [+] and it will give you the option to scan a business card. It also saves a picture of the card under the lead – so you can throw the real one away (or turn it into origami if you want). If you’re offline, you can take pictures of the business cards and upload them into the app when you next find an internet connection. Alternatively you could just enter the details manually, but where’s the fun in that?!
Tip: If you don’t think some business card contacts you have count as a ‘warm lead’, then you should add them to a prospecting list, rather than turn it into a lead. Read more about that here.
How can I get the You Don’t Need a CRM mobile app?
You can download the app for both Android and iOS, in the Play Store and App Store respectively. When downloaded, you just need to log in using your existing YDNCRM account.
If you don’t want the app, you can just as easily send a picture of a business card via email – you can find a specialized address in your account (in Tools > Business Cards).
Turn LinkedIn contacts into leads with the Lead Clipper
Using LinkedIn to manage and contact potential clients can be a clumsy and stop-start process. Albeit small inconveniences, switching between programmes and using a notepad to write down contact details, amongst other things, can really disrupt your flow. Imagine if you could create leads with a single click when on a profile?
Well, now you can. While browsing LinkedIn, you can quickly grab details from a profile page and turn it into a lead by using our lead clipper. This handy tool is simply a bookmark in your browser’s favorites bar.
To set this up, it couldn’t be easier. Go to Tools > Lead Clipper; here you just need to drag the icon into your bookmark bar and you’re ready to go!

It’s not only useful for time-saving. You can add notes and follow up tasks to give you the best possible chance of converting leads – and this is all without leaving your page, as the leads appear in a pop-up box.
Depending on the way you set up your system, everything you need will be added to the lead – if not, you can quickly amend it and add extra notes before confirming the lead. The main thing is, you can now confidently manage these new contacts without missing out any major details.
Simply forward an email and it creates a lead
Take an email conversation from your inbox and quickly turn it into a lead.
You’re probably starting to understand the theme of the article; we want the act of creating a lead to be as quick and simple as possible. The other thing we want is for you to be able to generate leads from as many sources as possible. This means by using your main channels of communication – and a common one of those is email. If you’ve think a conversation you’ve had via email with a potential customer is looking promising, you probably want to follow up on it efficiently?
Here’s where You Don’t Need a CRM! can help you improve this.
You’ve likely had correspondence via email – some new ones, and others going back a while. Just by forwarding any email to a personalized address you can create a lead. If it’s sent from your registered email address, then it will be assigned to you with a ‘To-Do’, otherwise you can pick it up from the ‘Unassigned Lead’ section of your account.
If your interaction goes back a while, forwarding will attach the entire conversation to the lead – this helps you track the interaction from the start, and when managing the lead it can be useful if it’s gone cold.

To find your personalized address: go to Tools > Emails, and forward the conversation to it. Done, although you might want to edit some details inside the lead, and add notes to a task for context – it’s worth doing sooner rather than later. Either way, there’ll be a task under your name, you can’t miss it!
Collect leads directly from your website
If you manage a form on your website; such as a newsletter sign-up, contact form, or enquiry page – you can easily create leads by forwarding the details directly to the system from the form itself.
As you manage your own forms, you’ll need to set this up at source. To do this go to Admin > Contact Form in your YDNCRM account and find your personalized email address (the one you use for forwarding emails). Next, you’ll need to include this in the form on your site – if you use an external form host, you should be able to easily set this up in that account.

This method will create an ‘unassigned lead’ – so your whole team can pick up leads from here. Alternatively you can assign leads yourself if you’re an administrator or team leader, it depends on how your company works.

Tip: Have a think about the type of form you’re looking to forward. For instance, would you class newsletter sign-ups as warm prospects? This method will create leads in your system, so you should turn your attention away from cold prospects and focus on contacts you believe are warm. It could affect your stats if you’re constantly closing leads because they were never qualified.
You Don’t Need a CRM! works well with programs like Wufoo or 123Contact. If you use something similar, there are detailed instructions on how to forward enquiries. Either way, simply add our email address, and we’ll do the rest for you.
There are also plenty of other integrations available with You Don’t Need a CRM! especially through Zapier – read more about them here.
Manually create leads
This is probably the most intuitive way to add leads – especially if you’ve used lead/customer management tools before. Simply log into your YDNCRM account and click on the ‘new lead’ button at the top of your page.

Lets say you took a phone call and wrote down some notes. Now you can enter details about your lead directly into a form. Remember, you’ve already pre-defined the fields so it will be a quick task for you. Enter the info while it’s fresh in your mind though, as you can add a description below the entry to refresh your memory when you come back to the lead.
You Don’t Need a CRM! is about however you feel best working. So there’s always the option to manually create a lead, and it should come naturally to you and your team.
Want to get started with YDNCRM?
If your existing CRM tool doesn’t fit your demands, it might simply be because you don’t need one! We’ve built an alternative that is great for, not only making your life easier, but improving your process.
Our trial is free, so start today by testing out the system. Why not give it a go by uploading some business cards? Our team is also here to help you out along the way :).