Freshbooks CRM integration: We’re excited to announce the You Don’t Need a CRM and Quickbooks integration.
When you work as a sales person, creating, sending estimates and invoices and keeping track of them is also part of your job. You need to manage your leads efficiently inside your lead management system, but also to keep track of the estimates you send to your potential customers, and of the invoices once you manage to convert le leads into real customers.
It would thus be perfect to have your accounting system connected to your lead management software so that you could quickly attach estimates and invoices to leads / customers, have the values automatically updated on both systems when you close a deal or invoice a customer, and also stop entering the same data in different systems over and over again.
Well, we’ve got great news! We are happy to announce a very powerful integration with QuickBooks, the most popular small business accounting system used in the U.S., and also available in many other countries.
At You Don’t Need a CRM! we want to allow our customers to choose the system that best suit their needs and be able to integrate it with ours. For that, we have an API available and are also on Zapier, a no-code platform that allows to connect apps together to automate parts of your sales process for more efficiency. Nonetheless, when a great amount of our customers use a specific system, we choose to fully integrate with them and be of help to our customers, which is the case with QuickBooks [but also FreshBooks and other software].
This new integration enables the two software to communicate efficiently: you can easily create estimates or invoices from a lead inside our lead management software, or create new leads from estimates or invoices you have already created in your QuickBooks account.
To know more about the new integration and what it allows you to do, click here.
More on all this soon on video so stay stunned!
The You Don’t Need a CRM! team