What to do with a Lead after the status has been changed to “won” and become a “won lead“?

Fortunately, in the life of every sales person, there comes the time when a sale finally got through and you’ve won the deal. Congrats! That’s great! But what happens after the Lead has been won? What’s the next step in the post life cycle of the Lead?
Sales people live a very busy life; being out on the field networking, in client meetings, demoing a certain product or service to a prospect, the list goes on. We have all been there, hence know the importance of time management and tasks’ reminders. Because we know how easy it is to forget certain tasks, especially when they’re set at a later stage, we have created a follow up feature that enables sales people to follow up on their leads once the deal has been won.
At You Don’t Need a CRM!, experience has shown us that there often is a specific need for a post sales follow up; sometimes a project in the development phase needs to be monitored, or a client needs to be guided through a certain process. A follow up is a set of tasks, which needs to be handled once a deal was won, but as post sales processes are often similar, we’ve added the possibility of creating templates with predefined tasks, inside our system. That way, you don’t have to create the same tasks over and over again when you create a follow-up, and will never miss out on the next to-do, even after the lead’s status has been changed to won.

This powerful new feature is available on both the Starter and the Expert Edition but comes with more advanced features such as follow up templates if you chose to subscribe to the Expert Edition for better collaboration and monitoring inside your sales team. In addition to the follow up system, the Expert Edition also comes with multiple pipeline management if you’re selling more than one product, an estimated closing date on a Lead, advanced statistics and forecasts, as well as better team management and advanced privacy settings.
If you can relate to the above and feel like you or your company could benefit from a follow up system, then why don’t you try out our new feature for free and see yourself, how it has already helped more than 5000 Sales Mangers around the globe to optimise their sales processes and increase revenue.
Click here more information about the two new editions and to find out which one best suits your business needs or contact us at support@youdontneedacrm.com and we will be happy to help.
We hope you love the new feature as much as we do!
The You Don’t Need a CRM! team