Geolocate Your Prospects: Embed Google Maps in As a sales person, you often need to meet with your existing & potential customers in person. You have a lead management software with all their information, including the address, but you want it to be displayed in Google Maps…
Freshbooks CRM integration: You Don’t Need a CRM and Quickbooks Integration Goes One Step Forward Freshbooks CRM integration: We’re excited to announce the You Don’t Need a CRM and Quickbooks integration. When you work as a sales person, creating, sending estimates and invoices and keeping track of them is also part of your job. You…
Top 10 Reasons Why Salespeople Choose noCRM for a Lead Management Tool After speaking to many of our customers that had a previous personal experience with CRM software, we were able to come out with a list of the top 10 reasons that made them choose our lead management tool instead of…
CRM Customization: How to Best Suit Your Business We have been talking about the importance of deploying a sales tool even when you’re at early stages with your business, to help you boost sales and learn how to manage your leads right from the start. Today we want…
Prospecting with Excel: Replace Your Spreadsheets Recently, we talked about how Excel reaches its limits while showing you some pros and cons of the good ol’ spreadsheet when prospecting with Excel. But today we want to show you why you should stop using the Excel Spreadsheet for…
Sales Software Integrations: 5 Useful Integrations to Make Your Sales Life Easier Intro: We look at sales software integrations that make your You Don’t Need a CRM! experience even more seamless. Sales people live busy lives and spend most of their times either prospecting new sales opportunities, preparing proposals or are on…
Improve Sales Performance: Upsell With Tags Intro: Lots can be done with tags to improve your sales process management, and in this article we will talk about the importance of tags in the upsell process and how they improve sales performance. #Improve Sales Performance with ThePowerofTags…
How to Manage Your Upsells, Renewals And Client Follow-Ups Keeping track of your to do’s and knowing when to get back to a client is essential in any sort of business to have a clear and working sales process, and it improves your upsells’ management. For prospects it’s easy…
Follow Up on Won Leads What to do with a Lead after the status has been changed to “won” and become a “won lead“? Fortunately, in the life of every sales person, there comes the time when a sale finally got through and you’ve won…
Email Client: Setting up Gmail as Your Default Mail-to Client Gmail users amongst us have probably all been in the situation before. You’re clicking on an email address with the attempt to either send an email or just to share web content, but your browser launches the wrong email client….